Dear Politicians,

March 30, 2010

May you mark your tongues and live to see the light…

Burn you filthy one, burn.

Yummy Bears!

March 26, 2010

Went to the grocery store a while ago and bought myself some childhood treats 🙂

Hello Panda!

Hello Koala!

P for Passion

March 25, 2010

8 years ago, I would have thought that I would end up writing every single day. 10 years ago, all I ever wanted was to dance. Now, it’s been years since university life, and who would have thought that I would end up in a world of entrepreneurship. “One who undertakes an endeavor”, as wiki defines it. Come to think of it, life itself is an endeavor. A serious determined effort towards, well… happiness. Now clouded with all efforts to succeed in business, I find flashes of uncertainty at times… as there are seemingly two sides of myself: me wanting to have more &  me questioning why.

As that is concerned, I enjoy working. To see my business grow is an achievement I owe to myself, my partners, my employees and the supportive people around me. It’s a fulfillment that gives me pleasure…  a responsibility that turned into passion. I reckon as humans, we will always question why why why are we living our lives in a certain way. Perhaps if we could simplify it to the deepest level, we somehow live towards our own passion. Many are still trying to figure out their way… their purpose… their life’s intention. WHATEVER. I know I still am.

I strongly think believing on something and finding great passion in life is important. But is questioning your passion, talent or belief an irony or must I say, tragic? Oh C’est la vie.

I need a drink.

One who is unknown.

March 9, 2010

We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Each day, I come across various people in my life. From greeting the doorman of my flat to ordering my coffee from the barista in Starbucks, the incidents I chance upon, almost fleeting in my memory, serve as a piece of puzzle in my life, as i know it. I have met hundreds of people, yet only a few are considered of much or great significance. Some, because I have to. Others, because, well… I love them.

Now, there are moments in my past when meeting strangers prove to be therapeutic. Yes, small talks count… Although the enlightenment comes from bonding and forming an actual friendship with these so-called random strangers.

They come and go, these people. But they leave lasting memories and lessons that will be forever remembered. And somehow, the tragic goodbyes lead to wishful thinking, otherwise, the drama of mystery is lost.

Not just once have I met someone who truly caught my attention. Must be the look, perhaps. But as I have gotten to know these people, they prove to be quite similar, not to each other but similar to me (in one way or another). I attract energies that carry free falling attitudes… energies that inspire me or frees me in a way that i can succumb to. I get lost or bored from time to time, and these souls (that i may call my friends) lead me to where I want to be at a given time.

True enough, becoming a stranger has that great advantage of mystery and influence. So become one,  and meet one.


March 6, 2010

Feel Good.

The world spins for you…

Hola Marzo!

March 3, 2010

Summer has officially begun here in the Philippines. In a few weeks from now, Boracay photos will surface yet again all over Facebook. More and more people are giving up meat (Lent being an excuse) and hitting the gym in time for beach trips and more picture taking by the beach. Don’t get me wrong, I also need my gym time. But this whole hullabaloo of dieting and losing weight only comes in during summer season. It’s like christmas time is eating time. Then comes spring, which obviously we don’t have thus the prompt transition to summer fasting. I simply find it amusing.

Now that our country is experiencing the El Niño, crops are in peril and perhaps (looking at it in a positive angle) this would help those on a diet! Hehehe. True, this weather condition is not a laughing matter. But there’s no need for you to rub that smile on your face. It is summer. And no matter how hot and dry the weather can get in the tropics, a lot of people, if not everyone is looking forward to a fun-filled summer vacation. 

Have a happy summer!!!


Looks like this will be a great month… Remember, keep your head cool and show some skin 🙂 Oh and here’s an interesting read for everyone which I found online: Do not get sucked in by the rip! (I learned this when I tried surfing a few years back, and i think this is important information that everyone must know, especially to those who have little children or those who are not strong & smart swimmers). 
